Smart Shoe™ Solution High-Speed Application for Railway Vehicles
10,000 Lbs or 45KN

High-Speed Applications

Smart Shoe™ R-140 TALGO KNORR
Multiple Sensor Systems: R-143, R-145
Measuring the force between disc and pad for High speed trains equipped with Knorr Bremse brakes MODEL: RZTM for high speed trains like Talgo.
High-speed trains can travel at speeds of over 300 km/h. The extremely high demands that this places on the Knorr-Bremse systems in the vehicles must be met without compromising safety. Our High-speed solution measures the force between disc and pad for High-speed trains equipped with Knorr Bremse brakes MODEL RZTM for high-speed trains like Talgo.

measurement of the force applied between the disc and pad for high-speed trains with sensor model r-140